
EV Charging points & ACCESSIBILITY


I’m proud to have worked with Osprey and Motability, to consult on ‘accessabilty’ to the public EV charge network in the UK.


Starting to make progress with this mission for Accessible EV Chargers,
thanks WhichEV magazine click here

Spinal Injuries Associates magazine, Forward


Every public EV charge bay should be accessible!

Welcome to my website. Here I present to you,
my ‘Mission Statement’ and provide you with this basic
outline of my intentions and a brief Resume of my life.
I’m striving to work with relevant organisations and individuals
in some form of collaboration to improve the lives of disabled EV drivers
while at the same time contributing to organisations that service them,
positively, by sharing my knowledge, experiences and ideas.

My Channel

I took delivery of my first EV in December 2021, a Mini Cooper SE L3. About the same time I launched my YouTube channel, ‘Warner’s Wheeling About’, a video blog of my escapades in my wheelchairs and my cars, sharing my experiences of how I deal with life‘s challenges as a disabled person. My hope was i might inspire others with difficult obstacles to overcome, to optimistically make the best of their own lives and circumstances. My channel is still very much in its infancy, but it’s growing steadily, and it’s garnering interest from EV and mobility groups. There has been a great deal of interest in my personal struggles charging my EV via the Public Network, hence my motivation to go and research, analyse and comment on the dire lack of facilities for disabled EV drivers.

My Objective

To raise awareness of the challenges disabled people face switching to personal EV transportation.

My Goal

Improve the quality of life for disabled people where charging their personal EV is a requirement in daily life.

BMIFF winner logo

My Tasks

To actively research the EV charging network thoroughly, from the point of view of disabled people. To analyse, record and report what I find. To build a platform and a body, create and project messaging to all involved parties. Form relationships and synergies with key players and deliver valuable information and guidance to all involved. Activate cross-fertilisation and positive contributions in developing an accessible EV charge infrastructure.


To interact where possible with:-

  • EV driving communities and their representative organisations.
  • Disabled drivers, individuals, groups and clubs.
  • Disabled charities and organisations.
  • Energy companies and related corporations that are developing the energy, equipment and technology.
  • EV manufacturers and associated businesses.
  • Parliament, UK Government, local authorities and third party strategic businesses and landowners involved in legislation, permission, planning and decision making.
  • news media, public relations organisations and marketing companies.


Mover and shaker, innovator, creator, leader;-

  • British 65 years old, retired.
  • Living with my wife in Lincolnshire.
  • Disabled since an accident in 1973, a wheelchair user.
  • Career spanning 47 years, across multiple business sectors including; advertising, marketing, exhibitions, publishing, online technology development, real estate development, retailing and the travel industry.
  • Experience in entrepreneurship, business owner, Director/Manager in PLC and SME business environments, both in the UK and Asia.
UK Ambassador for Thailand's Friendly Design Campaign Wheelchair Access UK Ambassador for Thailand's Friendly Design Campaign Wheelchair Access



Motability and the Push for Electric Vehicles: A Disabled Driver's Perspective

On the surface, the shift to greener technology seems like a positive step, especially with the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability. However, as someone who made the switch to an EV for 18 months, I’ve experienced first-hand that the reality for many disabled drivers is far more challenging than anticipated.

Over the last few years, Motability, has encouraged its disabled clients to transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). Recently, I’ve heard of many disabled drivers who have been refused Motability grants to obtain an ICE vehicle. I’m being informed that grants would only be made available for EVs.

When I first transitioned to an EV, I was optimistic about the benefits I had heard about, lower running costs, reduced environmental impact, and a quieter, smoother driving experience. However, it didn’t take long to realise that without a home charger, and if your travel needs extend beyond short, local journeys, the EV quickly becomes more of a hassle than an advantage.

Now, not all disabled drivers have the same issues. A small percentage use wheelchairs and other walking aids. One of the most significant issues I encountered as a wheelchair user was the sheer amount of time spent recharging the vehicle compared to refuelling an ICE car. With my ICE vehicle, I could fill up in under ten minutes a month. However, with an EV, that quickly ballooned to around 25 hours a month spent finding and using public charging points, most often not accessible. Long waits, broken chargers, or a lack of available charging stations turned what used to be a quick and easy task into an exhausting ordeal.

While charging is somewhat manageable in the summertime (even though it’s still a considerable effort), in the winter, it becomes not just inconvenient but dangerous. Being out in the cold and rain, sometimes for hours, trying to charge the car becomes impossible. For disabled drivers who already face physical challenges, this added burden is simply impractical and, at times, unsafe.

Motability’s push toward EVs seems to overlook a critical aspect of real-world driving, especially for disabled drivers. EVs don't necessarily offer the promised improvements for those who need flexibility and reliability, who can’t always rely on a fixed routine, or who drive longer distances. Without accessible charging infrastructure and proper accommodations, the “upgrade” can feel like a step backwards.

While EVs might work well for some, Motability should offer more flexibility in vehicle choices rather than pressuring clients into a one-size-fits-all solution. For many, ICE vehicles are still the most practical and reliable option. Ultimately, Motability’s goal should be to support the individual needs of disabled drivers rather than pushing an agenda that may not serve everyone equally.

Charge access blue moon september winner certificate

Very proud my interview with Oxford City Council won a short film award Blue Moon International Film Festival 2022.
